Sunday, August 21, 2011

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?
I wonder… is this a question that you’ve asked yourself?  A question that you’ve asked others that you know?
We are imaginative, innovative and inspired souls; we believe in a hardworking life, but do we ever consider taking the time to think about failing in our pursuits?  Do we ask ourselves which way “to do it,” “which idea to go with?”  Do we research the different ways it has already been done?  Do we question our co-workers or colleagues or families for their opinions on proceeding along with it and the possible outcomes?  Do we write up detailed business plans or perform our due diligence on it?
Or are we so moved by passion in our inspirations that we never really doubt what we should do?  We know what we must do, but how do we resolve in our our minds whether we should do it?  How do we know that it is just too good of an idea not to do it?
I sincerely do not believe that it ever occurs to us… perhaps until much later… that “it” might just not work.  Maybe someone tried it before and abandoned the idea for reasons long forgotten.  It is only now… far into the process… that the insecurities begin to creep onto the path of our determination and we might allow hesitation to stand in the way of our inspired motivation.
For those of you who do not know me, I am Mo Bacon, a small town home-grown girl who believes that she was born with nothing special.  I had no trust fund, no silver spoon, no blue blood family name.  I was not raised in Europe or the Far East.  I am not a Harvard grad or an employee of Microsoft.  I do not speak several languages or have a husband who is president of a bank.  I am just an ordinary girl from a lower middle-income family in a small town no one has ever heard of… who believes that she played her best hand with the cards that were dealt her.  I am very comfortable with my humble beginnings in this world and the cosmos’s shuffling of my cards.
Who else am I?  I am a “sponge” of sorts.  I am a storyteller.  I guess I must admit that I am a creative soul… difficult to understand, almost impossible to second-guess, and always known to follow the voice of “instinct and reason” that no one else can hear… never mind predict or understand.
I believe in guardian angels, unexpected miracles, the strength of family, the power of hard work, and the love of a forever friend.
I know that nothing is easy and nothing is free.  I have learned that at the end of the day anything worth having has to be worked for, and every single thing in life worth winning and keeping has its price.  My ancestors were great writers only to become respected after their death, they were some of the first to settle in this brave new world, they fought in the Revolutionary War, signed the Declaration of Independence, explored and settled new states with Daniel Boone, fought on both sides of the Civil War… against all odds, they stood steadfast and worked hard for what they truly believed in.
I know that every morning when I get out of bed, before the sun rises in the east, that I have no idea what my day will bring as the sun makes its own journey west to set among the most vivid of oranges and reds.  I am fairly certain that my day will not be boring, and I often pray that it will be quiet and calm; I beg for no more drama… in any aspect of my life.  But then I shower, dress, get into my car, and drive towards my success, my failure, my “miracle” of the day.
Will today be the day that - out of the blue - I have a new idea that simply cannot wait?  Will today be a day in which my life changes forever?  Will I allow my instincts to take me where I need to go?  I have followed them for so long that I no longer think to question them; I just go where they whisper in my ear and I become the character on the pages they have written and handed me.
What would you… what would I… attempt to do if we knew we could not fail?  Would you create and complete what you have imagined and sketched?  Would you sing, dance, write a poem; would you get married; would you have a family; would you write a book; would you open a restaurant; would you create something new; would you start over; would you pretend that nothing scares you, that no one intimidates you, that everything is actually achievable; would you celebrate your successes and learn from your defeats; would you forgive your enemies, praise your competitors, and lend a helping hand to someone else in need; would you be humble in the wake of success and ignore the troubled face of failure; would you remember the lessons of yesterday and search for the answers of tomorrow; would you try and try again and all the time pray you know how to tell when the time has come at last to close the door forever or will you know if this time, one more time, is the time to simply close this door behind you as you turn the knob and walk through the next one?
… I think you… I… already have.

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