Coincidence, destiny, fate - in one moment lives can collide and change forever. Yet chance encounters aren't necessarily accidental, in fact, you make your own luck by being aware of the world around you. In effect, we influence our own destiny and future.
Some of the best memories and the longest friendships start by coincidence and chance encounters. Just think back to the what if's and wonder what if you didn't take that chance, didn't say hello, didn't do the spontaneous... We are creatures of habit, but I am so thankful for those chance encounters that turn into lifelong memories and friendships.
NASA STEREO-B spacecraft was a million miles from Earth when it shot this video of the Moon transiting the Sun.
It is no great wonder if in long process of time, while fortune takes her course hither and thither, numerous coincidences should spontaneously occur. | —Plutarch.Plutarch's Lives: Vol. II. "Sertorius" |
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